Spiele Tropico 5 Trophäen und Erfolge

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70 Errungenschaften für Tropico 5 (GOG) / Seite 1 (Errungenschaften 1 — 50)

Erfolg Dictatorship 101 im Spiel Tropico 5 für GOG
Dictatorship 101
Finish all tutorials
Erfolg Herbivore im Spiel Tropico 5 für GOG
Defeat Captain Plant in the final battle
Erfolg Let Them Eat Cake im Spiel Tropico 5 für GOG
Let Them Eat Cake
Survive an uprising
Erfolg Putsch and Judy im Spiel Tropico 5 für GOG
Putsch and Judy
Survive a Military Coup
Erfolg The Bay Of Pigs im Spiel Tropico 5 für GOG
The Bay Of Pigs
Survive an invasion from the USA
Erfolg Think Tanks im Spiel Tropico 5 für GOG
Think Tanks
Have 5 Army Bases in a single game
Erfolg Tower Defense im Spiel Tropico 5 für GOG
Tower Defense
Have 20 Guard Towers in a single game
Erfolg Retro-futurism im Spiel Tropico 5 für GOG
Advance to the Modern Era before the year 1960
Erfolg For Science! im Spiel Tropico 5 für GOG
For Science!
Research all technologies at least once before the year 2005 in a single game
Erfolg Fundamental Principles im Spiel Tropico 5 für GOG
Fundamental Principles
Amend the Constitution 6 times in a single game
Erfolg Bureaucrat im Spiel Tropico 5 für GOG
Issue 20 edicts in a single game
Erfolg ... But To Take Part im Spiel Tropico 5 für GOG
... But To Take Part
Issue the "Host the Olympics" edict
Win a Sandbox game on a Tiny island
To Live In Interesting Times
Win a Sandbox game on an island with Relentless Disasters
The Black Pearl
Complete "Treasure Hunt"
Surfin' Tropico!
Complete Waterborne campaign
My Precious
Finish the Waterborne campaign with the Black Pearl in your possession
Presidente's Seven
Have 7 Dynasty members
The Silent Front
Complete a Sabotage action in multiplayer
The Greybar Hotel
Have 20 prisoners in Dungeons and Supermax Prisons
From Tropico with love
Have 13 loyal spies at the same time
Big Brother
Have 5 Police Blimps
Have Ministry of Information, Dungeon and 10 Security Checkpoint
Catch me a Spy
Deal with 10 foreign spies in a single game
Expose secrets of 2 different superpowers in a single game
Presidente 007
Complete Espionage campaign
Thanks for all the fish!
Have a fleet of 3 Fishing Trawlers
The Maltese Toucan
Complete mission 1
Offshore Haven
Have 5 superpowers in Offshore Offices
Have 1 of each waterborne buildings in a single playthrough
Have 10 Floating Apartments and no residential buildings on land (excluding shacks)
Do not press!
Fire missiles from a Nuclear Submarine during a battle against another player
The King of Pearls
Have 3 Oyster Farms and a Jewelry Workshop
History Will Absolve Me
Survive a rebel attack against the Palace
Mirror, Mirror On The Wall
Change the looks of a dynasty member
A New Dawn
Complete "A New Dawn"
Win a multiplayer game by construction
Friends With Benefits
Have relations higher than 90 with all factions in the Modern Era
Middle Manager Of The Revolution
Have managers in more than 15 buildings in a single game
Mine! All Mine!
Mine 100 000 ores and coal in a single game
Sheep For Wood
Have a fleet of 12 trade ships
What Energy Crisis?
Produce and share 1 000 MW of power with another player
Naughty Docks
Connect a dock with that of another player
It Prints Money!
Win a multiplayer game by money
Made In Tropico
Export 100 000 Luxury Goods
Project Beale
Win a multiplayer game by points
Good Sportsmanship
Finish a multiplayer game
Complete "Hope"
Leon Must Die!
Complete "Leon Must Die!"
Back to the Past
Complete "Back to the Past"